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The Great 8 for 
Terra's Fate

The USPP has created a new freshwater source with the EARTH System.  Creating a new water source is critical to the USPP accomplishing the first of its eight organizational goals; solving the global freshwater crisis.  This one crucial issue enables the USPP- and everyone else on the Planet- to accomplish their goals going into the future.   Check out all 8 goals of the USPP below.

The USPP has a plan to solve the Global Freshwater Crisis by 2050

Water is the foundation of all climate change solutions. Water generates electricity, is a transportation route, enables all manufacturing, grows crops, cleans the environment, grows forests, supports CO2 uptake, and is critical to all carbon-based lifeforms on Earth. Overdrawing lakes, rivers, and groundwater aquifers strain the ability of nature to sustain itself—and us. Our collective reliance on groundwater needs to dramatically decrease if we want our environment to be sustainable. We believe that if water resources are replenished and managed properly, most of the myriad issues caused by climate change will quite literally solve themselves. Because of this, the USPP’s number one goal is solving the global freshwater crisis and restoring our water resources.


The USPP has Eight Goals 
to achieve Climate Change reversal by 2050

the "Great 8" for Terra's Fate

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# 1)  Solve the Global Freshwater Crisis

The EARTH System can produce freshwater for any Municipality that lies within the equatorial zone, is on a coastline, has shrimp farming infrastructure, and water distribution infrastructure. Installing EARTH Systems in these cities will solve the global freshwater crisis in the most strategic way. The equatorial zone has optimal conditions for our technology and just so happens to be the region that is in most need of more freshwater. As these regions stabilize their water supply, they will be able to sell surplus water inland, effectively making these coastal cities a new water distribution point. The USPP will build its first system at the mouth of the Colorado River. This site will house up to 1 billion Cubes and can produce enough water to refill Lake Mead every year, effectively restoring the Colorado River. Our first System will be 3.14 million Cubes, and will produce enough water to restore the Colorado River from the Morelos Dam South, which is currently all dry riverbed. The USPP will be partnering with a global manufacturing partner to assist small cities in engineering EARTH Systems for their city. This will allow us to achieve our ambitious goal of having 5,000 EARTH Systems in operation or under construction by 2050; the number we need to stabilize the effects of climate change
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# 2)  Restore the Ozone Layer

The ozone layer is a part of the atmosphere (the stratosphere) where ozone gets trapped. This trapped ozone forms a solar radiation shield around the Earth. Chemicals emitted since the Industrial Revolution have caused a depletion in the ozone layer. The consequences of this include increased radiation, lower crop yields, early death of carbon-based lifeforms, and increased global temperatures. Lightning is one of the few ways that ozone is created and generating lightning is one of the simplest ways to restore the ozone layer. One by-product of the EARTH System is freshwater evaporation; the very thing that creates the conditions for lightning. When we take in ocean water to desalinate, only about 30% of that water is converted to freshwater. The remaining hypersaline water is piped to evaporation beds where 95% of it will evaporate into the atmosphere as freshwater. The water gets absorbed as humidity and the friction of this process produces the conditions for lighting. As more EARTH Systems are installed around the planet, lightning frequency will increase and help restore the ozone layer
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3) Achieve Net-Zero CO2 Emissions

The world emits 40 gigatons of CO2 annually and it is our goal to sequester the same amount on an annual basis. Each EARTH System site location will plant 10 million Empress trees per year, sequestering 1 megaton of CO2 annually. After eight years, the Empress tree will be ready for harvest and a new tree will be planted in its place. This means that each EARTH System location will continuously farm 70 million trees after year 8 of operation. The USPP has a goal to have 5,000 EARTH System site locations collectively farming 350 billion trees, which will sequester 40 gigatons of CO2 per year.  Besides helping us reach global CO2 equilibrium, the tree's sizable root system will hold the soil down throughout the year, preventing further releases of carbon due to seasonally exposed soil. The trees will be planted on agricultural plots so they can be attended to by local farmers who know the region’s agronomy best.  These measures give our trees the best chance at living 8 years and create a sustainable agricultural & wood products industry. Farmers can make additional income by planting crops in between the trees, which have a 12’ spacing. The shade from these trees will increase the yields of those crops. This operation will be funded by ECO Course Revenue and be irrigated with EARTH System water.

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4) Restore the Colorado River



The Colorado River is essentially dry from Yuma, AZ to the Sea of Cortez. The river and the region ancestrally belonged to the Cocopah Tribe. The cessation of the river has dealt a devastating blow to their Culture and the Region’s ECO System. The Colorado River Delta is/was the world’s Third Largest wetland habit. Recently, Mexico has declared this area to be environmentally protected. The USPP aims to restore the flow of the Colorado River from the Morelos Dam South by producing 6-15 billion gallons of freshwater per year at its proposed site near the Sea of Cortez and piping it 80-miles North to the Dam. We believe there are many environmental and Native American groups who share a mutual desire to restore these Lands. The USPP will seek out partnerships with those entities to accomplish this extraordinary goal.


Dead Sea

5) Stop Sea Level Rise


The principal cause of sea-level rise is melting polar ice caps, which is caused by an increase in global temperature. That temperature increase is due to both higher levels of CO2 & methane in our atmosphere, and having a thinner ozone layer. A high atmospheric concentration of carbon is our principal focus right now, but soon methane will become our biggest problem. There is a planet-destroying level of methane currently sequestered in the permafrost layer, primarily in Siberia. If this layer warms past freezing, the methane will begin releasing and there isn’t anything we can do to stop it at that point. All we can do is try to capture as much carbon as we can and avoid warming the permafrost layer. 5,000 EARTH Systems will capture 40 gigatons of CO2 from the atmosphere and take trillions of gallons of water out of the ocean. The CO2 capture will lower the temperature of the planet enough to cause ice cap reconstitution, which will in turn, stop sea level rise and the potentially deadly defrosting of the permafrost layer.

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6) Restore Global Forests 


The Planet has lost half of its trees in the last 200 years; approximately 3 trillion trees. All EARTH System site locations will continuously plant trees. Those operations will be funded through ECO Course sales and the water will be supplied by the EARTH System. Trees are harvested every 8 years, and a new tree is planted upon its harvest. Our goal is to develop 5,000 EARTH System site locations containing a cumulative tree farming operation of 350 billion trees per year. These trees will reliably sequester CO2, be planted on local agricultural plots, and be tended to by local farmers. Not only will these tree farms lock up Carbon and create sustainable agricultural jobs; the shade from these trees will go a long way to cooling down the region, preserving life-giving soil, and producing life-saving oxygen. Another benefit of our tree farming operation is that we will drive down demand for natural tree harvesting by increasing the supply of lumber on the market, further aiding the global forest restoration effort. Our trees only replace 10% of what our planet has lost; but they will go a long way in replacing the functions of those lost forests.

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7) Execute 3.14 Million ECO Courses


The ECO Certification Course is a one-week all-inclusive comprehensive training course that takes place at both our EARTH System site and Pyramid Building Site locations. ECO participants will tour our sustainability systems, actively help build them, and go through several seminars along the way. At the end of the Course, participants will help construct our Global Monument. This includes quarrying, shaping, and physically placing a granite stone in our Pyramid Complex. The ECO certification course is designed to jumpstart individual participation in climate change and give society a template from which to build a promising future on. The USPP believes that a true solution to climate change includes building a positive relationship between us and the environment, and we think that getting your hands in the dirt is a good way to start that process. ECO course certification will begin in Summer 2027.

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8) Build a Global Monument


It is crazy to think that we would know very little about civilizations that existed thousands of years ago had they not constructed massive monuments. It is even crazier to think that a few thousand years from now, proof of our own civilization might not exist. Pyramid structures are a testament to an advanced civilization's existence and a worthy endeavor for any society to pursue. Pyramid building projects of the past employed off-season agricultural workers, promoted tourism/economy, were sustainable and taught their builders a multitude of critical skill sets. Most importantly, constructing a Pyramid creates a common cause that promotes unity among the people who build it. The USPP has a goal of constructing a pyramid complex monument in honor of our accomplishments as a civilization and to demonstrate our advanced aspirations for thousands of years to come. The complex will contain 3.14 million stones and be constructed by 3.14 million people from around the world, making this Pyramid complex our Planets’ first Global Monument.

The US Pyramid Project is a 501(c)3 Nonprofit Corporation located in Winnemucca, NV

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